Exploring the world of Single Malt Scotches

The Scotch Malt Whisky Society

malt whisky2LR postThe Scotch Malt Whisky Society-  Open the velvet curtains……..We’ve found the rarest of the rare.  Welcome to the distiller’s dark art pinnacle of perfection.  Batch 66.49 has been road tested by your faithful scribe and photographer and what a hellish job is was. For my adventure into the upper echelon of malted beverages I thought, what is the most snobbish vessel with which to taste the liquid gold ? Why champagne flutes of course, and the glass actually enhanced the experience.  In addition to the hoity toity label and bottling , the stuff is cask strength , i.e. rocket fuel.  So Tom and I proceed to taste it neat, and amazingly, not one bit of harshness or bite.  The nose was thick with initial alcohol but that gave way to floral notes and just a bit toffy .  The complexity in the mouth feel and the delishishly woody flavors were noticed by all lucky enough to be present .  The color was a brassy orange and the palate had a nutty, slightly citrus flavor.  This being one of only 236 bottles worldwide, the likelyhood of you sharing my experience is distant at best. If you ever are offered a dram, jump at the chance, it is truly world class.  This one goes unrated due to its being unobtainium . But make no mistake, it’s the top of the heap.

4 responses

  1. Than

    Such a tease!Sent from XFINITY Connect Mobile App


    July 1, 2015 at 7:59 am

  2. Than Orens

    Would love to hear how you obtained unobtainium. Hopefully in a more humane way than in Avatar. 🙂


    July 1, 2015 at 8:00 am

  3. follow up, a good friend joined the society, ( he has deeper pockets)


    November 17, 2015 at 7:45 pm

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