Exploring the world of Single Malt Scotches

Archive for May, 2021

Tomintoul 10-

 Tomintoul 10-  Ahhh, spring has finally arrived and I am absolutely certain that yellow flowers were added to the finishing barrels on this malt.  The nose is light and a bit fruity with creamy vanilla notes.  Mid taste I found some grassy flavors and slightly spicy honey.  As expected, no peat smoke at all was found.  The golden liquid was appealing in my glass but the finish was disappointingly brief. This whisky is light on character, even for a Speyside, and at 80 proof my wimpy alarm went off immediately.  The distillery, oddly situated on the Glenlivet estate, calls this the “ gentle dram”.  I’d call it too mellow for this fellow…..My preference for more punch caused the rating to drop to a  rather weak 6 on the snob scale.  So while this is better than a blend, I’d look elsewhere on the shelf…………   And unfortunately the flowers definitely did not make it into the barrels.