Exploring the world of Single Malt Scotches

Archive for September, 2014

Glen Moray

Glen Moray-  Blasphemy ! What single malt nutcase would ever add ice to such a drink ?  Well in our corner of the world it’s mighty hot right now and I prefer a chilled glass after the days work is done….This flaxen beauty seems to benefit from the cold stuff and I recommend it for several reasons.  The scotch is a Speyside classic with a malty mouth feel and a bit of fruit flavor, perhaps pears in the background.  It is undated (read young and edgy) and therefore is smoother and more fragrant with the added cube or two.  This is a light whisky , at 80 proof, and the taste backs that up by being clean and bright in your glass and ultra light as you enjoy it. The price of entry here is quite modest for a single and it has a history dating back to 1897,  which is no small feat.  The subject was kindly provided by my friends who are ace rally teammates (R & A) and the curvaceous container came complete with beautifully etched glassware. I suggest you run to your local shop and grab a bottle or two before the word gets out !  A fine summer drink if ever there was one….cooly rated a 7 on the snob’s summer scale.Screen Shot 2014-09-03 at 10.24.42 AM